God, I'm tired. Please just let me end school already!

Finals is next week so instead of writing I'm going to be studying all weekend. >:(
I'm happy about Doppled in Gray. It's coming along very well and I'm excited to write the next part. Truthfully I've been waiting for it since I started the book. The introducing of Haran. My favorite character in the book :D He's handsome, smart, compassionate and yet to find out all this about him you actually have to get to know him. He's modeled off a friend of mine. :)
Besides that I'm working on Trials and Tribulations('nother story) and the Subverse story AND a totally new one. I really need to set up a schedule and/ or organize my thoughts.
I have a new story that really caught my attention. Will post some of it asap. :)
Until later


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